How to find Daily Challenge tutorials

Release schedule

The Daily Challenges are trickled out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


Each Daily Challenge lesson is available for a minimum of 30 days.

We offer the Daily Challenges for the current month and the previous month only

The intention behind only making the lessons available for a limited time is to give members plenty of time to complete them without feeling like they are getting "behind" if they missed a couple of the challenges.

It also allows members to support and encourage each other as they all work on common projects together.

How to find a Daily Challenge

  1. Navigate to the Daily Challenge section on the Dashboard
  2. Click "View More"

You can view additional Daily Challenges by clicking "Previous month"

Daily Challenge Rotation

Every Daily Challenges lesson is on a yearly rotation. If you missed a challenge, it's not gone forever. It will return in the same month the following year.